Legal notice
Legal notice

Registered office/address
ACS Armoured Car Systems GmbH
Winterbruckenweg 60
D- 86316 Derching
Phone: +49-(0)821 650 717-0
Fax: +49-(0)821 650 717-99
Email: [email protected]
Commercial register: Augsburg HRB-Nr. 20153
Management Board: Sebastian Schaubeck, Rolf Liebfried
Registered office: Friedberg-Derching
VAT ID No.: DE 231195234
Despite careful monitoring of the content, we cannot assume any liability for the accuracy of the content on our pages or the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part is only allowed with express permission.
Responsible for contents of the website according to Section 6 MDStV (German Interstate Agreement on Media Services): Sebastian Schaubeck, Rolf Liebfried